Saturday, 2 August 2014

Let me introduce myself...

Hi peoples...
I've begun this blog and am not really entirely sure where I'm going with it. My aim is to share with you my attempts at home made stuff (clothes, jumpers, toys, food), any tips I've picked up along the way, and any failures and hopefully successes.

So where to start.. Of course this should be with a little peek at what I'm working on right now. I have a tendency to flit from project to project and get waaaay too excited about new things I could make and do, so this one might take some time...

Let me introduce... Philippa

Close up of my buttons of choice, aren't they cute!
This is a pattern I found on the Just Skirts and Dresses blog (see her brilliant version and the pattern on her blog here ) I instantly fell in love with its ribbing pattern and little sleeves with their poofy loveliness. I've never knitted anything more adventurous than hand warmers with thumbs! I know what you're thinking, yes they had thumbs and they are awesome! I wanted to try my hand at something a little more adventurous (just to see if I could) and thought this was do-able.
This is what the final jumper will look like...
Very simple and very classy, just look at the poofyness!!
And this is my version so far...

This is the back of the jumper, made with a 100% wool that I found on ebay (all hail the ebay!). It took me ages to translate the pattern, this is not because it is difficult to follow, but this is only the second knitting pattern I've ever followed (the first being a hat that I may show you sometime if you're nice). So after about three days of reading it, going for a cup of tea, reading it again, having another cup of tea, I decided it would be best for all concerned if I typed out my own version that I would understand. This proved to be the ticket!
The only problem I've had (which I'm rather vexed about) is that I didn't increase the stitches as I went in the stockinette bit, this has left it with a bit of a narrow base and rather sudden increases just under the armhole. I'm hoping as I have a rather short and narrow back I might just get away with it.
I will keep you updated with Philippa as I go, wish me luck

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