It went something like this...
"What the hell?!"
"Where does that go?"
"Will you just stay still"
Pokes self in eye with one needle (thank goodness for specs)
It's like having Bambis legs for knitting needles!! So I figured that rather than jump into the socks (trying to do that with ribbing.. Nope) I should just spend a bit of time practicing going round and round.
I started by not even making sure the stitches were same way up all round. You can see the twist top right... So that took a bit of time to correct.
Then there's the "how the hell am I meant to even hold these sodding things?!"
I managed to find a 'pinning the next pin between finger and thumb while I work on the current pin and hoping the one on the right can take care of itself' kind of technique. It still needs practice, but it's not too bad.
And for my troubles...
Ok so it's only a little one, but if you look closely you can even see that I started trying a K2 P2 rib for a little while. In all I felt very proud of my little tube, before then promptly ripping it out.
Next step.... Socks!! (Rather excited)
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