Thursday, 10 September 2015

Hello winter knitting!

So yesterday's post was a very brief introduction to what I plan to make over the winter (my plans are much more in-depth but I would have been talking all day), but I was just wittering on about what I'm going to sew.... Well hold on to your mittens... I also have plans to knit winter stuff, I know... Shocker!

I still have my Belmont cardigan on the back burner from summer, but I am really starting to crave making much more cosy things. So I have been planning. This has also been subject to the wardrobe architect viewpoint, and as knitting takes so much longer (especially for me) I really want to be careful about what I jump into... So I have narrowed this down to two jumpers and a cardigan, with a backup cardigan in case I should run out of things to knit (ha ha, I know, not going to happen). And of course a snuggly new hat!

I've already started my first winter project, and am just up to the armholes so it's going well... So far. I obsessed a bit last year about the Pomme de pin pattern that has been made about a million times on Ravelry...

Photo poached from Ravelry

This really is my kinda cardigan, it's big, it's squishy, it's cozy, it's relaxed, and it can be paired with both a smarter shirt or blouse as easily as a casual t shirt. I must have one!

So mine will be a lovely rich blue, a cheap and wash friendly DK that I'm hoping will mean it survives how often I can see me wearing this one...

Photo taken on my knee in the library

By the way my hand is not that white, but it was the only way my camera would capture the blue tone, which is pretty accurate here. I'm very excited about this one.

Next on my list is a jumper I had planned as soon as I had started knitting but haven't ever gotten around to... The also hugely Ravely famous 'Owls'

Photo taken from pattern

The pattern shows this beautiful grey version, and this is pretty much the colour of the wool I have stashed away for it. I'm hoping this is a relatively quick knit as its a bulky yarn being used.

Next on my list is a very versatile jumper which I hope to be able to wear to work... It's an Andi Satterlund pattern just called 'a cropped sweater' and it's free!! Woo hoo!!

Photo poached from Ravelry... Again

It's a very simple DK weight but with some colour contrasting which makes it look sweet. I'm undecided on my colour for this one... Which is why it is number 3 on my list... Gives me time to go yarn shopping. I like this one as its an all in one with no seams, I kinda want to try it to see how succesful I am.

And the accessories come in the form of a hat I spotted on Pinterest, whose link took me back to Ravelry again (joy! No pattern hunting required!) and is called the Lomond hat.... Also free!!

Picture snaffled from Pinterest 

EAR FLAPS! Have you ever seen cuter ear flaps... They don't even look the least bit silly... Plus I get to make a Pom Pom, which I haven't done since Brownies! I don't have an order in the knitting que for this little dude, but I do have some fuzzy alpaca blend stash to use up... It's like fate. I shall knit this when the chill in the air appears. And I will have cozy ears on my walk into work.

So that's it for the main list, not too heavy going I think, very do-able with Christmas presents interspersed along the way. So I decided to add a wild card. Something I'm allowed to start if I get all of the other things finished... Meet Agatha...

Yet another Ravelry theft.

This is another AndI Satterlund design, which looks super cosy and really pretty. I think I'd like it a little longer though, just an inch or two. So this is my 'just in case' pattern, cos, you never know.

All of these are chosen to match up with my sewing plans, nice crisp white shirts to go under jumpers, cardigans to go over blouses, and cosy weekend jumpers to wear with my jeans (I'm not making jeans... I'm not quite there yet). 

My word do I feel organised

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